
Przetworniki temperatury

Model Opis
A2G-20 Air velocity meter
A2G-200 Control panel with integrated room sensor
A2G-60 Electronic ventilation duct temperature sensor for ventilation and air-conditioning
A2G-70 Ventilation duct sensor for relative humidity and temperature
A2G-85 Ventilation duct sensor for CO2 and temperature
OTMT84, OTMT85 Temperature transmitter, model OTMT85
OTMT84, OTMT85 Temperature transmitter, model OTMT84
OTMT84, OTMT85 Safety instructions (ATEX, IECEx)
T15 Digital temperature transmitter, head mounting or rail mounting version
T15 Digital temperature transmitter (EAC)
T16 Digital temperature transmitter, head mounting or rail mounting version
T16 Digital temperature transmitter (EAC)
T32.xS Cyfrowy przetwornik temperatury z protokołem HART®, montaż w główce lub na szynie
T32.xS Informacje na temat bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego przetwornika temperatury, wersja 2.2.3 i 2.3.1 (Aktualna wersja - ważne od 10/2017)
T38 Cyfrowy przetwornik temperatury
T38 Additional operating instructions for hazardous areas
T38 Information on functional safety
T91.10, T91.20 Analogue temperature transmitter, fixed measuring ranges, head mounting, for Pt 100 / thermocouples
TFT35 Compact temperature transmitter
TIF11 Field case for temperature transmitter
TIF11 Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i and Ex d
TIF50, TIF52 Przetwornik temperatury HART® w obudowie polowej
Temperature transmitter (EAC)
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