
Termometry rezystancyjne

Model Opis
A2G-60 Electronic ventilation duct temperature sensor for ventilation and air-conditioning
TC10-0, TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-C, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TC10-K, TC40, TC50, TC53, TC55, TC81, TC95, TR10-0, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR10-J, TR10-K, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR11-H, TR20, TR22-A, TR22-B, TR25, TR40, TR41, TR50, TR53, TR55, TR60, TR81, TR95 Termometry rezystancyjne i termopary
TC10-0, TR10-0 Resistance thermometer and thermocouple, ignition protection type flameproof enclosure Ex d (ATEX, IECEx)
TC10-0, TR10-0 Resistance thermometer and thermocouple, FP (Ex d) and XP (class/division) – FM/CSA
TC10-0, TC10-L, TR10-0, TR10-L Resistance thermometer and thermouple, type of explosion protection - “flameproof enclosure”, Ex d (EAC)
TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-C, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TC40, TC50, TC53, TC55, TC81, TC90, TC95, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR10-J, TR10-K, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR20, TR22-A, TR22-B, TR40, TR50, TR53, TR55, TR60, TR81, TR95 Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (EAC)
TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-C, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TC40, TC50, TC53, TC55, TC81, TC90, TC95, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR10-J, TR10-K, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR20, TR22-A, TR22-B, TR40, TR41, TR50, TR53, TR55, TR60, TR81, TR95 Resistance thermometers and thermocouples Intrinsically safe designs, Ex i (INMETRO)
TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-C, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TC10-K, TC40, TC50, TC53, TC55, TC59-V, TC59-W, TC81, TC90, TC95, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR10-J, TR10-K, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR20, TR22-A, TR22-B, TR25, TR40, TR41, TR50, TR53, TR55, TR60, TR81, TR95 Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex n, Ex e, Ex t (ATEX, IECEx)
TC10-A, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TC40, TC50, TC53, TC55, TC81, TC90, TC95, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR10-J, TR10-K, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR20, TR22-A, TR22-B, TR40, TR41, TR50, TR53, TR55, TR60, TR81, TR95 Dodatkowe informacje dotyczące obszarów niebezpiecznych, Ex i (ATEX, IECEx)
TC10-L, TR10-L Resistance thermometer and thermocouple, flameproof enclosure ignition protection type (Ex d)
TC12-A, TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-A, TR12-B, TR12-M Termometr rezystancyjny i termopara
TC12-A, TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-A, TR12-B, TR12-M Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (ATEX)
TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-B, TR12-M Resistance thermometers and thermocouples Intrinsically safe designs, Ex d (ATEX, INMETRO)
TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-B, TR12-M Notes on the use of electrical thermometers in low ambient temperatures
TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-B, TR12-M Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex d (EAC)
TC12-B, TC12-M, TR12-B, TR12-M Dodatkowe wskazówki dotyczące stosowania w obszarach zagrożenia (Ex d, Ex t)
TF35 Threaded thermometer with plug connection
TF37 Threaded thermometer with connection lead
TF41 Ambient temperature sensor
TF43 Insertion thermometer for refrigeration technology
TF44 Strap-on thermometer with connection lead
TF45 Insertion thermometer with connecting cable
TFT35 Compact temperature transmitter
TR10-B Resistance thermometer per EN 14597
TR21-A, TR21-B, TR21-C Miniature resistance thermometer for sanitary applications
TR21-A, TR21-B, TR21-C Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (ATEX, IECEx, CSA, NEPSI)
TR21-A, TR21-B, TR21-C Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (INMETRO)
TR25 In-line resistance thermometer, intrinsically safe version (Ex i)
TR31 OEM miniature resistance thermometer, Ex i (INMETRO)
TR31 OEM miniature resistance thermometer (Ex i)
TR31 OEM miniature resistance thermometer
TR33 Miniaturowy termometr rezystancyjny
TR34 Miniature resistance thermometer (Ex i)
TR34 Miniature resistance thermometer per directive 179:2010 (INMETRO)
TR36 Threaded resistance thermometer
TR75 Termometry rezystancyjne z wyświetlaczem cyfrowym, zasilanie bateryjne
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